.....But there will always be someone who hates peaches.




I don't know how anyone could hate peaches...but I'm sure there is someone somewhere who does.  And you know what? That's OK! Everything isn't for everyone.  There are 7.125 billion people in the world, and we are all different. We have different tastes in music, food, art, clothing, ..hell and even in people. And by now, I'm sure you're all wondering; "what's she getting at?"

Be Authentic!! That's what I'm getting at!

All too often people claim to be one thing or another in an attempt to win the guy, the girl, the job, etc. Only to find that after they have won the "prize" they can no longer keep up the charade.  It's hard trying to be something you're not...too hard! Being yourself is easy!  You have preferences and it's perfectly fine to voice them. Sure, some people won't like you or your preferences, but who cares?  I reiterate, 7.125 BILLION PEOPLE...so, what if a few don't like you, your music, or your favorite food.  They are your likes and dislikes, and that is what should matter to you.  If you immerse yourself in "you" and the things that bring joy to your life you will coincidentally stubble upon others like you. Others, who will share your excitement for macramé, standing on your head, or whatever obscure hobby you may have. Imagine being friends with people you don't have to impress, fake, or otherwise trick into liking you!

So, how does one become authentic?  

  1. STOP pretending.
  2. Learn who you are.
  3. BE HONEST with yourself and others about the real you. 
  4. Don't be afraid of what others will think of you.
  5. Realize everyone doesn't have to like you and you don't have to like everyone. 

and I have one extra bit of free advice (you can take it or leave it...it's won't hurt my feelings either way!)

  • LIGHTEN UP! - Life is too short not to find happiness, joy, and laugher in as many things as possible. I laugh at myself probably more than I laugh at anything or anybody else, and it's rumored to help you live longer. (Try it...you've got nothing to lose). 
Miss Mcleod Peach: OMG, I just love your dress!Me: Oh, gosh! Thanks!

Miss Mcleod Peach: OMG, I just love your dress!

Me: Oh, gosh! Thanks!

Miss Mcleod Peach: You must be a Clemson Fan!?Me: Absolutely NOT!  I just really enjoy this color.

Miss Mcleod Peach: You must be a Clemson Fan!?

Me: Absolutely NOT!  I just really enjoy this color.

Me: You do look like you need a new bow to replace the missing one for your hair? Miss Mcleod Peach: What missing bow? This look is totally intentional!

Me: You do look like you need a new bow to replace the missing one for your hair? 

Miss Mcleod Peach: What missing bow? This look is totally intentional!

See, telling people how you really feel isn't hard...Give it a try!

See, telling people how you really feel isn't hard...Give it a try!

Picking out the juiciest peach at McLeod Farms in McBee, SC.

Picking out the juiciest peach at McLeod Farms in McBee, SC.

Bangles by Sweet Tea Jewels: Turquoise & Caicos, Yellow Mustard and Havana Cabana.

Bangles by Sweet Tea Jewels: Turquoise & Caicos, Yellow Mustard and Havana Cabana.

Bangles by Sweet Tea Jewels: Yellow Mustard and Havana Cabana, purse: Vintage Bag by Coblentz 

Bangles by Sweet Tea Jewels: Yellow Mustard and Havana Cabana, purse: Vintage Bag by Coblentz 

ps: My favorite way to eat peaches...

Slice peaches and place in a small bowl.

Slice peaches and place in a small bowl.

Sprinkle with sugar.

Sprinkle with sugar.

Add milk.

Add milk.

